As promised here is our indoor/year round garden tips. Also please please click on some ads it helps me keep this blog going and get some more writers and it helps me do some give away.
A year round vegetable garden: what a novel idea! Vegetable gardens have served people even before the ancient Greeks or Romans. In fact, vegetable gardening was popular long before more carnivorous endeavors ever were. Nonetheless, the answer's probably a little obvious, but homemade vegetable gardens have plenty of perks over the traditionally commercial kind.
For example, a veggie garden can either supplement yours and your family's regimen or fulfill it. It depends on a few factors: like the size of the plot you're able to produce plus maintain, the climate in your particular time zone, and the quality of the soil in your backyard (or, wherever you choose to put it). Additionally, year round warmer regions that usually produce moderate rain will yield a longer growing season than others.
There are only a few items you'll need to get started with a year round vegetable garden. In addition to sustainable Earth (good, "crumbly" dirt that's not too moist nor is it too dry), you'll need to make sure your veggie garden is placed somewhere that'll get the sun's maximum benefit-as a rule of thumb, about 5-6 hours a day, which is around the length of time when the sun is emitting the most energy). If this proves to be more difficult than not, that's when your creative genius has to kick in-as homes and their properties usually differ substantially.
Make sure that you've got these [usually] household items and supplies:
- Naturally, some seeds for a few different crops (not too many initially, though)
- A good, wholesome fertilizer
- A small shovel or even hand shovel (both will be beneficial unless it's a very small garden)
- A rake
- Steady supply of fresh water (the hose or a watering bucket will do fine)
- Markers for the individual types of seeds
- Poles if applicable (such as for pole beans)
- A good, wholesome fertilizer
- A small shovel or even hand shovel (both will be beneficial unless it's a very small garden)
- A rake
- Steady supply of fresh water (the hose or a watering bucket will do fine)
- Markers for the individual types of seeds
- Poles if applicable (such as for pole beans)
A vegetable garden needs the right attention on a steady basis
Make sure not only to mark off your year round vegetable garden plot where it gets good sunlight and has sustainable soil, but also ensure there's reasonable protection against the elements as well as insects/general critters. There should be a good series of little canals to help drain water, also. Furthermore, make sure that your vegetable plants get watered around once or twice a week. When it comes to daily maintenance, seed manufacturers' packet labels are typically the best place to find info for specific plants. Any good seed packet will explain items such as: the best climate/season for the particular crop, how much water and food they require, and what time of the year is optimum to begin planting it.
Common crops and their preferred climates
Veggies like potatoes, eggplants, beans, and stalk corn usually thrive in the warmest climates-relatively speaking. So these are essentially a summer crop. Summer crops normally dictate a seasonal temp of 70 through about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. If they come across frost these crops will die.
Crops that do well in cooler climates in a year round vegetable garden include: green beans, brussels sprouts, leeks, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli greens, onions, and turnips yields best and longest in slightly cooler climates. 50 to a maximum of 78 degrees is ideal for these, and they're a little more resilient to frost.
There is, of course, dozens of other varieties of crops. As you gain experience with your vegetable garden, you'll even discover that you can grow many different crops simultaneously.
Indoor Gardens
Indoor gardens can be wonderful, year-round areas to grow plants and flowers that may not survive winter where you live. Indoor gardens are limited primarily by the space you can dedicate to gardening. Smaller spaces will easily support smaller plants. Larger spaces can easily support potted trees and bushes. If you have a greenhouse or large glassed-in area, plants can be layered using taller pots for larger plants and smaller pots for smaller plants.
Step 1
Decide on a location for your indoor garden. Southern-facing areas are ideal, but any area that gets good light is a good starting location.
Step 2
Arrange your empty pots in the indoor gardening area to ensure good use of space. Be conscious of light requirements. Some plants don't like bright light. If they are shorter plants, you can put them under taller plants with more leaves. If you are planting primarily plants that like light, arrange them so taller plants don't shade shorter plants.
Step 3
Write the type of plant to be placed in each pot on the bottom of the pots to facilitate later planting. If you are using long pots for multiple plants, write the name of the plant in its position on the bottom to avoid getting plants in the wrong order.
Step 4
Take your pots to your potting area. Outdoor potting areas are better, but any easily cleaned area will work. Kitchens and bathrooms are good for potting.
Step 5
Mix about 4 parts potting soil to 1 part odorless compost or other organic fertilizer. For larger pots, the soil and compost can be mixed in the pot. For smaller pots, mix the soil and compost in a bucket and then transfer the soil to the pots.
Step 6
Place a plant and root ball in a pot and fill the bottom of the pot with enough of the potting soil and compost mixture to support the plant at the desired level in the pot. Place the soil and compost mixture around the sides of the root ball until the ball is covered and the pot is full.
Step 7
Tamp down the soil a bit with your fingers to simulate the settling that will occur with watering. You may need to add a bit of soil over time to compensate for soil settling.
Step 8
Repeat Steps 6 and 7 with each plant. Some people prefer to do the larger pots first and then move on to the smaller pots to avoid fatigue.
Step 9
Arrange the plants in your indoor garden area. Place your pots on saucers to catch draining water. Different plants need different amounts of water at different intervals. For smaller gardens with smaller pots, you can write the watering schedule with a waterproof marker on the bottom of the pot. For larger, more complex gardens or gardens with larger pots, make a map of the garden and number each pot. You can then make a watering schedule for each plant in your garden
Read more: How to Make an Indoor Garden | Garden Guides http://www.gardenguides.com/68342-make-indoor-garden.html#ixzz21eCd4Msb
Indoor Gardens
Indoor gardens can be wonderful, year-round areas to grow plants and flowers that may not survive winter where you live. Indoor gardens are limited primarily by the space you can dedicate to gardening. Smaller spaces will easily support smaller plants. Larger spaces can easily support potted trees and bushes. If you have a greenhouse or large glassed-in area, plants can be layered using taller pots for larger plants and smaller pots for smaller plants.
Step 1
Decide on a location for your indoor garden. Southern-facing areas are ideal, but any area that gets good light is a good starting location.
Step 2
Arrange your empty pots in the indoor gardening area to ensure good use of space. Be conscious of light requirements. Some plants don't like bright light. If they are shorter plants, you can put them under taller plants with more leaves. If you are planting primarily plants that like light, arrange them so taller plants don't shade shorter plants.
Step 3
Write the type of plant to be placed in each pot on the bottom of the pots to facilitate later planting. If you are using long pots for multiple plants, write the name of the plant in its position on the bottom to avoid getting plants in the wrong order.
Step 4
Take your pots to your potting area. Outdoor potting areas are better, but any easily cleaned area will work. Kitchens and bathrooms are good for potting.
Step 5
Mix about 4 parts potting soil to 1 part odorless compost or other organic fertilizer. For larger pots, the soil and compost can be mixed in the pot. For smaller pots, mix the soil and compost in a bucket and then transfer the soil to the pots.
Step 6
Place a plant and root ball in a pot and fill the bottom of the pot with enough of the potting soil and compost mixture to support the plant at the desired level in the pot. Place the soil and compost mixture around the sides of the root ball until the ball is covered and the pot is full.
Step 7
Tamp down the soil a bit with your fingers to simulate the settling that will occur with watering. You may need to add a bit of soil over time to compensate for soil settling.
Step 8
Repeat Steps 6 and 7 with each plant. Some people prefer to do the larger pots first and then move on to the smaller pots to avoid fatigue.
Step 9
Arrange the plants in your indoor garden area. Place your pots on saucers to catch draining water. Different plants need different amounts of water at different intervals. For smaller gardens with smaller pots, you can write the watering schedule with a waterproof marker on the bottom of the pot. For larger, more complex gardens or gardens with larger pots, make a map of the garden and number each pot. You can then make a watering schedule for each plant in your garden
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